Money Tip #5: Find your unclaimed money ~ Millions of dollars go unclaimed every year

Money Tip #5
A few weeks ago, we were getting ready for work, watching the morning news, when we saw some of the "Good Morning, America" crew outside a baseball park in Chicago, where they were randomly asking people if they could check to see if they had any unclaimed money.
     Unclaimed money, just so you know, could be money that you might not know you have, from closed bank accounts, inheritances, rebates, student loan overpayment refunds or even from pensions or other investment vehicles of which you'd lost track.
     That morning alone, staff from "Good Morning, America" found more than $9,000, combined, for the people they randomly selected.  The state of Illinois' State Treasury Department's website notes that that agency has paid more than $220 million during the past two years alone!
     There are several places you can start to look for any unclaimed money coming to you: the first place to start, however, would be with the state department or agency that  handles unclaimed funds and property, and the comparable agency in all other states in which you have lived.  (The ABC shows says searchers can visit the .org site for the National Association of Unclaimed Property Adminitrators (NAUPA), which operates a free website at
     We checked, in all the databases for states in which we lived, and didn't find anything that belonged to us.  (Three years ago, though, we did receive a check for $1,000-plus, from overpaid student loans, as we were going over our annual first-of-the-year, getting-our-financial-house-in-order routine.)  We did, however, alert a relative and the daughter of a family friend about money we saw listed in state databases that could belong to those people.
     So what are you waiting for: Stop reading, and start looking!  If you find something, come back and let us know!
Illinois Treasurer's Unclaimed Funds page ~
